At the swimming pool this morning, the lifeguard had the most accurate 1980s feathery mullet I’ve seen since the actual 80s. It got me thinking – what if a haircut was part of a brand identity?
The Martin Kemp
Swept back, wispy, thick. This is a haircut that requires a LOT of product. I imagine it smells great.
If your business is in East London and sells something fun and stylish like cufflinks with swear words on, this is your brand hair.
The J-Lo
Sleek with sun-kissed layers and framing the face, this is normal hair if you’re a megastar with excessively beautiful genes.
It’s your brand hair if: your business appears effortlessly chic and relaxed, even if behind the scenes it’s all-out chaos.
The Ambika Mod in One Day
Loads of curls, pulled back sensibly in a no-nonsense red bobble. It’s practical, it’s also your only option when you have this amount of hair (speaking from experience).
This is your brand hair if: your business is creative, a bit weird in a good way, and gets the job done.
The Ryan Gosling
Gosling manages to look fresh-faced even with stubble and an odd sticky-up bit at the back of his slick style.
This is your brand hair if: you have a wellness business and / or you own more than five crystals.
The Tan France
Look at this volume. Luxuriant to the max, Tan’s hair could not be more confident.
This is your brand hair if: your business is polished and fashiony, and you have a lot of followers on Instagram.
Who has your brand hair? Join the chat on Instagram.